FICHTEMMREPAIR.COM OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY FROM 8AM TO 6PM CENTRAL TIME TO ANSWER ALL YOUR FICHT EMM ECU MOTOR REPAIR QUESTION'S. We offer $470 FICHT EMM repair for Kawasaki, Polaris and Tigershark jetski's and $525-$575 Evinrude EMM REPAIR Johnson Ficht RAM EMM ECU ETEC E-Tec compter repair. We are here to answer your "my motor is not running" questions. We are experts on polaris, kawasaki ski's, evinrude and give good advice. So call now for your EMM ECU E-TEC repair replace service at the best price and good turn around time with 6 month 100 hour stantard warranty. Don't wait to get your motor fixed call 615-707-1273 or just ship your EVINRUDE EMM ECU ETEC E-TEC in and we will diagnose your EMM ECU computer to see if it's needs repairing and if the EMM ECU is not broken we can tell from the error codes what is wrong with the motor then help you get it back on the water for less than taken it to the shop.